Dear Mr. Ottolenghi...

Why anyone ever thought that boiling brussels sprouts was a good idea when there is the option of roasting them is one of life’s great mysteries.
— Yotam Ottolenghi

I'll never forget my first encounter with a brussel sprout. Dinner at my friends house included a real wood dining table and everyone sitting down to eat together. Her mom, ready to serve us table side, had her oversized spoon in the right, and pot in the left. She asked her daughter. "How many?"  " None" she replied.  She got two. "How many?" she asked me. "One." I gulped. I had never seen my friend turn down food from her mother an amazing cook and inspiration from my childhood. Something about those mini cabbages steamed or boiled didn't appeal. I don't remember the taste I think I swallowed my one and only sprout whole, but I never ate them again...Until... the roasting discovery years later. Thank you Mr. Ottolenghi  for your continued inspiration.

Sincerely Charmed,


Dear Ms. Reichl...

I’d opened a bottle of nutmeg, startled when the little spheres came rattling out in a mothball-scented cloud
— Ruth Reichl


It isn’t often that a fiction novel  makes me smile and be inspired to cook all in one shot. Delicious was like a great two fingered glass of rye whiskey, full of depth, air and  smoothness. It does more than swallow well. Characters come alive, a mystery that keeps one guessing but not so complicated that I get to the end and ask what.? Hints of recipes, but not so bombarding that I feel the need to speed read through them. Food love that beams via  the characters.  Sal’s cheese shop made me want to open my own.  I visualized  Sal turning the cheese blocks one by one so his customers had the  best view. The photography of the food mess, became so real I started searching on Google for Richard’s gallery opening.  Yes Mrs. Reichl you have done it again. You have left me laughing, and wanting a little bit more. Fiction or Non-fiction it seems I will be making an investment in your sagas. Thanks again for the inspiration.

Earnestly smiling,

-the White Radish